Hello everyone, its my first time posting here so I am not quite sure this topic belongs here. I'm a High school student so I assume my questions will be around here. Anyway onwards to my question:
An experiment where an Iron nail that is laced with magnesium as a sacrificial anode is placed into an electrolyte (Sodium Chloride).
According to my teacher; she says that hydrogen gas bubbles will be released due to the oxidation of magnesium metal to Magnesium Ions and the subsequent reduction of hydrogen ions in water to hydrogen gas.
The question is; why doesn't the magnesium ions combine with the remaining hydroxide ions left behind from the ionization of water and release of the hydrogen ions to form a white precipitate namely Magnesium Hydroxide?
My teacher has been unable to answer this question.
P.S. Is it against the rules to post multiple new topics that contain different questions in a very short time frame?