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Topic: Has anybody else read about the new Visible Light Cancer therapies?  (Read 4189 times)

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Blacksburg, Va., March 15, 2005

"Researchers in Karen Brewer's group at Virginia Tech have designed supramolecular complexes that can hold and, when signaled by light (photoinitiated), will generate pharmaceutical compounds that can cleave DNA, such as in a tumor cell. "The challenge has been that tissue blocks light so we can't signal molecules deep within the body to deliver drug therapy," said Brewer, associate professor of chemistry in Virginia Tech's College of Science."


Well I think that this also sheds some light on Paulngs' efforts with vitamin's. There are other ramifications possibly too such as inhibiting proper function of current medications. Photosensitive drugs are labeled as such. Heed those instructions well.

Why is it almost every Nobel Prizewinner meets such opposition to their work after receiving acknowledgement? Seems almost every one in recent times has been called a nutcase by their community which evolved from the efforts that the winners put forth.

Disintegrating faith? ???

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Re:Has anybody else read about the new Visible Light Cancer therapies?
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2005, 03:07:43 PM »
Its not a new idea. That has been an active area of research by many for the past 10 years. Photo-induced pharmaceuticals in the body.
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You're right, the concept isn't new.
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2005, 10:55:32 PM »
I just haven't seen this particular article and method.

Have you heard if the Ternay Labs have had success with the Macromolecule concepts? That was a big thing also about ten years ago.

I don't get Trade or Industry Journals. i barely find time to pay attention to the Stock Markets and the general Internet news.

I am new, so I should have probably posted this in the News Forum. I'll try to be more alert to the functions of this website..


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