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Topic: Does Soda Lime Process to make NaOH work?  (Read 3053 times)

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Does Soda Lime Process to make NaOH work?
« on: July 26, 2010, 05:34:34 AM »
I have searched many forms for information about the soda lime process for making sodium hydroxide.  I haven't much though. The reaction is Na2Co3 + Ca(OH)2--> 2NaOH + CaCo3
Apparently this reaction deals with the calcium carbonate precipitating out.  Well, I bought some pickling lime and pH increaser making sure each was Sodium carbonate and Calcium hydroxide. So, will this reaction work? If so then how? I tried myself and tested the solution for NaOH by putting a little aluminum foil in and nothing happended which makes me think I did something wrong.  Does anyone know the amounts used to make this reaction efficient? Thanks in advance as always.

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