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Topic: Any trends present when graphing Lennard Jones potential?  (Read 2677 times)

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Any trends present when graphing Lennard Jones potential?
« on: August 18, 2010, 09:20:50 AM »
Howdy Everyone,

I have to graph the Lennard Jones potential around 8 different diatomic molecules,  e.g He-HE, H2-H2 etc.

I have done the graphs without any real problems, just change the distance to Amstrong and use the values in the butter zone so u can actually collect data from it. The data results in these conclusions;
with distance as he<H<ar<xe<cl<br<benzene
with energy of attraction being he<h<ar<xe<cl<benzene<bromine

My problem lies in the question stating " comment of differences and similarities in the graphs". Obviously there is the common similarity of repulsion when r becomes too small and the attraction when a induced dipole can occur. This doesn't seem to fit the question however as we are told to graph several different interactions. Thus I was wondering if there are any trends present about the LJP? Perhaps I am over looking something?

If you could help it would be very much appreciated. :D

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