yes it can do redox reaction
cause i also use it to make volta element
doing a titration ? i don't know how to do it
the first i think is to make sodium acetate and make it into "hot ice"
but when i try to make hot ice using vinegar and baking soda
i can't
so i guess that i can't make hot ice
now i get really confuse
the second idea come to my mind is using soda water and phospate
i mix soda water and phospate and heat it
it makes cloudy solution
and when you gives asetic acid it make that solution cloudiness
so how you think ?
can i test asectic acid using phospate and soda water ?
it is the same theory that used in asetic acid heat test"The sample (10 cc urine)is boiled and if these are present the urine turns cloudy. Acetic acid is introduced, a drop or two of 5-10% acetic acid (not just white vinegar, which might do the trick too, hmmm.) which will dissolve any phosphates or carbonates which could be causing the cloudiness.
Hope this helps."