Any advice?
Don't worry too much about sig figs, round at the end.
In the case you have posted you can easily check how many sig figs each expressions has - you don't have to round them to do so.
1.005 -> 4
60.41/1.500 = 40.273(3) -> 4
0.232*1.02 = 0.23664 -> 3
and obviously it is 40.273(3) which defines accuracy of the nominator.
so there are 4 sig figs in 41.51477(3)
You can do similar analysis for denominator (obviously 6x8.2 will dominate), then calculate the value without rounding any intermediate results, then round it down using normal rules.
But it is a wasted effort, probably the only moment you will do it this way will be during quizz checking if you know how to use sig figs