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Topic: Solubility Software - Salting Out  (Read 2174 times)

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Solubility Software - Salting Out
« on: September 02, 2010, 04:04:30 AM »
Hi all,

Just wondering what kind of software is out there to model solubilities? Basically what has happened is we had a tertiary system of water-isopropanol-sodium nitrate and were studying the sating out affect that the IPA has when addd to a water/NaNO3 mix. We did this at room temperature for a variety of concentrations and then used evaporation and conductivity electrodes to find the salt content in each phase then used a gas chromotographer to work out water in the alcohol phase and alcohol in the water phase. So we wanted to do the tests at elevated temps but found the temp control too hard so our project got shifted to using modelling software to predict it for us. If anyone knows where a good start would be, and in particular the ability to model this recrystalization, your help would be much appreciated.



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