December 21, 2024, 12:47:08 PM
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Topic: Confomers vs. transition states vs. enantiomers vs. rotamers in Newman Proj's  (Read 2733 times)

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Offline svalbard

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Just a few questions regarding the topic.

I have spent a good deal of time trying to clarify these definitions as I've found defining isomers can be ambiguous, especially regarding conformers.

For example sake consider any C-C bond in an alkane Newman projection.


If eclipsed conformations are transition states, are the staggered conformations rotamers?

Is it improper to refer to the staggered "enantiomeric states" of the Newman projects as enantiomers since that particular state is only temporary?

Also, since even the staggered conformers are also only temporary would you not technically classify them as transition states also?

Thank for your help.

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