I made a light bulb vaporizer and a idea came to me while stoned. The heating of the bulb causes evaporation (with some cannabis inside), followed shortly by condensation of THC-Clouds. The inhalation of the makeshift clouds is what gets you ripped.
Is it possible to complete the water cycle and transform the condensed THC by causing the cloud to precipitate? In theory if you were to freeze a thick THC cloud it should create snowflakes of crystallized THC, effectively making liquid THC.
I have read before that THC isn't water soluble, so it's very likely that it's impossible, but what if you were to evaporate butter as well? Could it be possible to have the vapor THC fuse with vapor butter then hardened back into straight THC butter?
Thanks in advance for any help, I know this Chemistry forum may not be the best place to cannabis-related questions but I assure you it's all in good taste.