Hello all, thanks in advance for your help.
QUESTIONS ABOUT ROTAMERS:I've had a difficult time getting a clear understanding of what rotamers are. I've consulted the IUPAC gold book and several over sources but am still somewhat confused. The clearest definition I've found is from
Rotamer: One of a set of conformers arising from restricted rotation about one single bond. Ok, seems pretty clear but how is restricted rotation defined in this context? It seems like clarifying in a rotational barrier context would make more sense.
1. Is "free" rotation implied: The rotational barrier is so low that different conformations are not perceptible as different chemical species? (IUPAC definition)
2. or as hindered/restricted rotation: The inhibition of rotation of groups about a bond due to the presence of a sufficiently large rotational barrier to make the phenomenon observable? (IUPAC definition)
3. But free rotation is technically hindered or restricted in some sense, no matter how little, so why even differentiate?
4. Or both: either free and/or hindered?!