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Topic: michaelis menten kinetics question  (Read 8393 times)

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Offline vande060

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michaelis menten kinetics question
« on: October 07, 2010, 02:23:27 PM »
my prof asks me

the following data were obtained in a study of an enzyme known to follow michaelis menton kinetics

Vo (mmol/min)

substrate added(mm/l)

find the approximate km for this enzyme regarding this substrate

the formulas for michaelis menton are variable, and i dont know what to use. the general formula is given here

i did some searching in my book.
and found that michaelis menton kinetics has a practical rule km = [s*] when v0 = 1/2vmax, but i dont know how to use this

if it follows this wouldnt km just be [s*] as v0 is 1/2 vmax? i suppose for that i would need to know what vmax is. 
the astrixs are next to the s because the text interprets it without the astrix to be crossed out text


edit: i think i got it, for an approximation it is probably safe to assume that v0=647 is close to vmax because at a huge concentration of 1000 substrates added, the v0 changed very little from when it was just 6 substrates added. 1/2 of 647 is approx 325, so km is equal to the concentration of substrate at v0 =325, which is 2.

does it sound right
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 02:42:16 PM by vande060 »

Offline SheVa

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Re: michaelis menten kinetics question
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2010, 09:04:18 AM »
you can use lineweaver-burk method for analyzing michaelis-menten equation.
1/v = Km/Vmax (1/[ S]) + 1/Vmax (reciprocal of michaelis-menten eqn).

then just make a regretion from your data with that lineweaver-burk.
y = 1/v

m = Km/Vmax
x = 1/[ S]
c = 1/vmax can get that Km from there..its not well enough but good approximation.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 10:15:54 AM by Borek »

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