Hi, at my work we have a "parts cleaner" (basically its a big metal sink with a pump that circulates the water arround). Usually we fill it with warm water and add some soap and let it run a half hour or so. But our hot water meter is broken, its not going to be replaced until next week.
I have a small electric burner and I was going to find a pot and fill it with water, heat it up, add it to the cold water and after a few pots all 10 gallons should be warm. But I couldnt find a pot but I came up with another idea- can I use the entire parts washer sink as a giant pot?
It is raised about 2 feet off the ground with a metal frame. The sink itself is made of some type of metal (made in china) but the whole thing is solid metal (no plastic except for the pump, which pops right out). So would it be safe to remove the pump, then put the burner right under the bottom of the sink to heat the sink directly? Or could that make the paint peal on the parts washer? (its painted or powercoated blue so I wouldnt want the inside of the paint to chip or peal). Thanks!