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Topic: Can video games increase chemistry learning?  (Read 4131 times)

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Can video games increase chemistry learning?
« on: November 08, 2010, 07:43:47 PM »
I am a high school chemistry teacher (Peter Lichten, Byram Hills High School, Armonk, NY).  I have created a free, online, chemistry game designed to help students reinforce skills they learn in class.  So far I have created  Sig Figs, Sci Notation, and Heating curve levels.  I am looking for feedback from teachers, students, and tutors as to effectiveness.  I am about to add a Mole Highway level as well. 

url   http:www.CHEMGAMETUTOR.COM

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If you are a teacher I can set you up with admin rights so you can have students create accounts and keep track of your students progress.  Game scores become assessment data.


Peter Lichten

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