For organic chemistry we are learning Ir spectroscopy in lab. With this la we are given a Ir spectrum of a compound. Mine is C12H10O. And i am assuming from what i have been able to understand from the Ir that it is 2-Phenylphenol. I came to this from these conclutions:
There is is a alcohol/Phenol group: 3200 to 3400 wavenumber-1
There are C=C: 1600 wavenumber-1
(which makes me assume the benzene rings)
Now is where i am really getting stuck. I not sure where to find the Benzene rings. I used both and i am just getting confused at this point.
Am i missing and thing else?
Of and i calculated my degree of unsaturation to be:8
this just makes it more obvious that the structure is 2-Phenylphenol. There must be 2 benezene rings attached together by a single bond with a OH coming off one of them.
Here is my spectrum.
Thank you