All textbooks in physical chemistry that I know present the outdated formulation of thermodynamics of the 19th century and, even doing only that, many of them show an absolute lack of rigor. For instance, I have found pure nonsense about the second law of thermodynamics in the
Physical Chemistry by Levine. Atkins is something better but not anything that I would recommend.
McQuarrie and Simon have a specific textbook, their
molecular thermodynamics, but is also outdated and lacks rigor, in despite that they give a molecular approach.
In their benefit, one would remark that none of those authors is an expert in thermodynamics, therefore they are writing about something beyond their scope.
For an introduction to our modern understanding of macroscopic thermodynamics, I would recommend
Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures by Dilip Kondepudi and Ilya Prigogine.
This textbook is rather rigorous and up to date, covers both equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamics, correct many mistakes found in other textbooks [
see correction note below], there is interesting links with relativity and quantum field theory that put thermodynamics in context (using a particle-antiparticle pair creation and anhilation results from quantum field theory, Kondepudi and Prigogine propose a novel absolute scale for the chemical potential), apart from giving the old Gibbs-Duhem stability theory (that you find in many textbooks) in the chapter 12, they give the modern and more general stability theory in the chapter 14, etc.
Note that many that I wrote is found in their textbook. For instance, the modern expression dS = d
iS + d
eS that I wrote above is just (3.4.5) in Kondepudi and Prigogine.
Maintain in mind that Prigogine won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his extension of the old thermodynamics
Some corrections to other textbooks]
E.g. in pages 39-40 Kondepudi and Prigogine explain why the other textbooks, based in old formulations and mathematical idealizations, are forced to say you that DQ is an "imperfect differential" (other authors use the delta notation δQ or a "d" with a stroke) and write expressions as
dU = DQ + DW.
However, the term dQ is completely correct and rigorous in the modern formulation (which is not built over idealizations of the physical and chemical transformations as in the old formulation), doing that one can write the rigorous and general expression (for a closed system)
dU = dQ + dW
They also correctly note in pages 89-90 that something like
dS = dQ/T
that you find in many other textbooks as the "definition of entropy" is not a definition neither is valid for an open system.
Consider an open system that loses one half of its matter in ten minutes at constant T. If the expression dS = dQ/T was valid for the open system interchanging matter, you would be forced to say that nonzero dS (entropy is an extensive quantity) implies nonzero dQ. But dQ is exactly zero in this case, what happen is that the variation of entropy due to the loss of mass is given by the flow of matter. This is the kind of mistakes that one finds in those outdated and unrigorous textbooks.
In chapter 15 Kondepudi and Prigogine give the general expression for the flow of entropy J
S as
S = (J
q/T) + Sum
k s
kwhere J
q is the heat flow, s
k the partial molar entropy of component k and J
k the diffusion flow of component k (moving with velocity v
Here you can see that J
S = J
q/T is only valid when there is not interchange of matter. And you can see that for an open system without interchange of heat, the variation of entropy is given by the flow of matter
S = Sum
k s