Umm, honestly this is a very simply laid out problem. If you get the first step, the next step is pretty easy and so on down.
Get the volume of the acid in m3. Convert to cm3. This number is the exact same as milliliters, so replace cm3 with mL. Using the density which is in g/mL convert the milliliters to grams. This gives you the number of grams of material in the tank. Using the fact that it is 98% by mass, get the amount of acid. Calculate the molecular weight of H2SO4 and use that to get the number of moles of acid. With this number of moles of acid, using the neutralization formula of sulfuric acid and NaOH, get the number of moles of NaOH needed. Use the molecular weight of NaOH to get the number of grams of NaOH. From there convert to pounds.
Honestly, you should be able to do each one of these individual steps and get to the end. It will take some math work just sitting htere and working out the numbers but you can get there. Now if you have a question about a specific step then that is fine, but otherwise a lot of htis is just plug and chug.