dS = diS + deS
diS is the production of entropy due to irreversible phenomena. Equilibrium textbooks only deal with equilbrium and, therefore, cannot compute this term, but the second law of nature is
diS >= 0
For a closed system
deS = dQ / T
dS >= dQ / T
that is appears in equilibrium textbooks. Take a gas if you are heating slowly, there is not dissipative phenomena in the gas and therefore
dS = dQreversible / T
The label 'reversible' used in elementary eq. textbooks is akfwul because as perfectly explained by TIP (thermodynamics of irreversible processes) the flow terms are always reversible, that is irreversible are the dissipative phenomena inside the system.
In an adiabatic expansion
dS >= 0
if expansion is slow and passing by quasiequilbrium states then
dS = 0
if not
dS > 0