I have 1.189 g H2O
I converted this to mols
1.189g (1 mol/18g) = .06605 mols H2O
How many moles of H are in the 0.06605 mols H2O?
There should be .1321 mol H because of the 2H correct?
So there is 0.1321 mol H in H2O
there is 0.1321 mol H
2 in H2O
This is causing me a problem (see below)
When I calculate grams of H from the mol of H (or H
.1321 mol H (1.008 g H/ 1 mol H) = .1331 g H
or should it of been
.1321 mol H
2 (2.016 g H
2 / 1 mol H