Its first order with respect to NOBr
Are you
The procedure is as follows:
The first order rate equation is
d[NOBr]/dt = -k[NOBr]
The solution to this equation is (this is just math)
ln[NOBr] = ln[NOBr]
0 - kt
The second order rate equation is
d[NOBr]/dt = -k[NOBr]
2The solution to this equation is
1/[NOBr] = 1/[NOBr]
0 + kt
If (and only if) the reaction is first order a plot of ln[NOBr] vs time will be a line.
If (and only if) the reaction is second order a plot of 1/[NOBr] vs time will be another line.
Compare and obtain the order. Once you know the order, you can find the constants from the graph easily.