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Topic: Concentration question  (Read 2358 times)

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Offline hvard78

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Concentration question
« on: April 16, 2011, 07:38:42 PM »
A human patient suffering from a duodenal ulcer may show an HCl concentration of 0.08 M in his gastric juice. If his stomach receives 3.00 L of gastric juice per day, approximately how much patent medicine containing 2.60 g of Al(OH)3 per 100. ml must he consume to neutralize the acid?
so there's 0.08M/L (3L)= 0.24 M in the gastric juice.
i know i need to find how much in mL the patient needs to consume.
2.60g Al(OH)3=81.004 g/mole

could someone help me from here?

Offline rabolisk

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Re: Concentration question
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2011, 08:56:22 PM »

so there's 0.08M/L (3L)= 0.24 M in the gastric juice.

I don't think that's quite right. You can't divide molarity by liter to get molarity.

Offline DevaDevil

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Re: Concentration question
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2011, 03:00:43 PM »
he is multiplying as far as I can see, which is indeed right if you need to get moles.

so yes, you have 0.24 mol of acid, so you need 0.24 moles of OH-

to do:

-do not forget there are 3 moles of OH for each mole of aluminum hydroxide.

-convert grams per 100 ml into moles per milliliter.

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