Hi there,
Im using dithiocarbamates in the form of disulfiram (CH3CH2)2-N-CS-S-S-CS-N-(CH2CH3)2. I have a "theory" that this compound reacts with agarose gel (D-galactose and 3,6-anhydro-L-galactopyranose) that covers the bottom of my flask, thereby reducing the disulfiram concentration in the medium overlying the agarose bed.
Does anybody knows whether disuliram disulfide bond could oxidise the -OH residues of agarose, forming [agarose-O-S-CS-N-(CH3CH2)2]2 ?
Could another reaction occur between agarose and disulfiram so that disulfiram would be "trapped" in the agarose gel ?
Thanks for your reply !