Hi all - Longtime browser, first time poster.
I've recently acquired a rather old ICP. A Thermo Jarrell Ash Atomscan 16 ICP-OES, to be precise. I'm looking for a bit of advice from anyone who might be familiar with the product range.
I don't have the original manual, but the electronic help files appear to be fairly comprehensive. They just don't have the specific information I require. I've been slightly trained on the instrument - enough to create and run basic methods, and not cause what the service tech calls a "chernobyl" in the plasma chamber.
I want to run what the sofware calls a "MultiQuant" semi-quantitative method. To do this, I need what they call a MultiQuant Reference Standard (MQRS).
My trouble is that I can't seem to find any information on what these standards should be. I've found from within the software that the elements should be Ba, Cd, Co and Cu on the default method. I cannot find what concentration these should be within the standard. Does anybody know? Am I missing something obvious?
Thermo Jarrell Ash no longer exists as an independent entity. I've contacted Thermo Fisher on the off chance that they know, and got told they would call me back if they found an answer. I'm not holding out a great deal of hope there.
Thanks in advance for any help.