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Topic: Replacement of GC detector  (Read 3001 times)

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Replacement of GC detector
« on: April 05, 2011, 05:05:51 AM »
We have a GC-2010 SHIMADZU with a FID detector. I have spoken to the technical people from shimadzu and they told me i could not install a electron impact detector on the excisting instrument and if we wanted this detector we need to buy a new one. People (analysts) whos been in the business for 20 years told me its nonsense and it can be done. Does any of you know about a someone who's done it and where i can get a second hand detector, because shimadzu obviously would not sell me one.

thank you   

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Re: Replacement of GC detector
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2011, 10:19:59 AM »
It can be done, but the question is, is it worth it?
There are many legitimate reasons Shimadzu will not do it, so I would not hate them.

But I am not really sure buying a second hand detector is the best way to go. First, make sure it is in good condition. But the detector is only half of the equation. You need somehow to interface the detector to the GC, as well as to the computer for control and data collections. You are going to need an entire new software suite to.

Now, unless you have some crazy fancy GC system, the saving from a used MS might not be so much.
The software, controller and interface devices are often more expensive then a simple GC.

You might look at Quantum Analytics:
They do rental, leasing, and purchasing.
You might find you can lease to own a basic system with a EI-MS in it a lot cheaper then you think; spreading the purchase cost over time. You might even be able to save money if you can cannibalize your old auto injector/auto sampler for a new system. They also have refurbished equipment, which can save you a lot of money. And are very likely to be able to help you upgrade your old system if you really want. But you have to look at the effort, time, and quality of the system, not just the upfront cost.

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Re: Replacement of GC detector
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2011, 12:27:23 AM »
Why not try a quadrupole mass analyzer?  I have worked with the Shimadzu QP2010+ system that gives beautiful resolution.

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