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Topic: Arsenic V detection UV, ion chromatography  (Read 2944 times)

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Arsenic V detection UV, ion chromatography
« on: June 08, 2011, 02:56:27 PM »

I am trying to setup an old Liquid Chromatograph Dionex (LC20) to perform Arsenic speciation, mainly determine As V in bacterial cultures. I am using a AS7/AG7 column from Dionex, carb (1.8mM)/bicarb.(1.7 mM) eluent and UV detection at 195 nm. Chromatograms are very noisy, and not reproducible, even changing the deuterium lamp, the absorbance detector. Any ideas ? any detailed protocol ? I know that an ICP MS detection will be better but we do not have the device, so trying the UV detection based on litterature found
thank you

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Re: Arsenic V detection UV, ion chromatography
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2011, 03:00:43 PM »
When you say it's not reproducible I assume you mean consecutive injections from the same HPLC vial?  If you inject just mobile phase can you get reproducible chromatograms?  If so, does a mobile phase injection look identical before and after a sample injection?

At such a low wavelength just about anything organic will absorb.  If your problem occurs with both samples and mobile phase, then I think your most likely culprit is some kind of contamination of your mobile phase or LC.

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