December 26, 2024, 09:05:55 AM
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Topic: Need help from someone familiar with AspenPlus (Carbon capture)  (Read 2510 times)

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Offline Anteus

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Hello fellow chemical engineers,

I am a BSc undergraduate. I am trying to model a CO2 capture with NH3 solvent in AspenPlus. I am trying to model the rate-based absorber part now with a RadFrac column. My problem is that after running the simulation (which runs down smoothly) I get the warning: "Salts will be ignored". And from the results its obvious that it really ignores the salt reaction, which would be very important because the CO2 is bound by the NH4HCO3 salt. (I defined the Chemistry IDs and salt reactions and RadFrac should be able to handle solids) I pretty much tried everything. I would appreciate any help i get.

Thank you.  ::)

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