hey guys
I'm not a chemistry dude, i dunno the basics but i'm hoping i can get help with something from this forum.
currently i'm writing a screenplay which is essentially about a hypothetical illicit drug made from the the chemicals within the human body. As i have such no knowledge of chemistry i really really need some assistance.
The questions i would like to ask would be,
(A) is this possible, the process of breaking down the chemicals in the body and using them in a drug while leaving no DNA traces or anything. (even theoretically so)
(B) what chemicals in the human body 'could' (theoretically) be used in a drug
(C) what class of drugs (Methamphetamines, cannaboid etc.) could one create from the chemicals in the human body,
(D) is there a chemical within the human body that could be the base of a drug (like the carbon or something,) with that chemical base, how would the drug be taken (inhaled, snorted, etc.)
(E) would the process of extracting the chemicals from human body cost less than just buying the chemicals.
needless to say that i will need to ask many follow up questions once these have been answered. I realize this is a exceedingly complicated question and would require someone with great expertise. I did email a science professor at my university and she believed that i was trying to make drugs
any how
thanking you in advanced
Raymond Truong