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Topic: Organic Chemistry Question  (Read 4034 times)

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Offline TarikStoneman

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Organic Chemistry Question
« on: July 31, 2011, 01:09:44 AM »
An Organic compound, A, has an empirical formula C3H6O  and a molar mass of between 100 and 125. NMW spectroscopy indicates the presence of four methyl groups.

The compound A was reacted with sodium hydroxide. After the reaction the excess sodium hydroxide was neutralised and two products B and C were isolated.

B was acidic whereas C was neutral. Neither B or C could be oxidised. Both B and C were soluble in water. Both B and C reacted with sodium

a.) Determine the molecular formula of A
b.) Identify the functional group in A
c.) Identify(with semi structural formula) B,C and hence A
d.) State why C could not be oxidised.
e.) Write balanced equations for the reactions of B and C with sodium.

Offline maalik

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Re: Organic Chemistry Question
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2011, 03:14:33 AM »
the emperical formula of "A" is (C3H6O)2 i.s.,C6H12O2.
Compd "B" is acetic acid
Compd "C" is Methyle iso propyle ether

Offline Cavillus

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Re: Organic Chemistry Question
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2011, 01:57:40 PM »
An Organic compound, A, has an empirical formula C3H6O  and a molar mass of between 100 and 125. NMW spectroscopy indicates the presence of four methyl groups.

The compound A was reacted with sodium hydroxide. After the reaction the excess sodium hydroxide was neutralised and two products B and C were isolated.

B was acidic whereas C was neutral. Neither B or C could be oxidised. Both B and C were soluble in water. Both B and C reacted with sodium

a.) Determine the molecular formula of A
b.) Identify the functional group in A
c.) Identify(with semi structural formula) B,C and hence A
d.) State why C could not be oxidised.
e.) Write balanced equations for the reactions of B and C with sodium.

a) The MW of the empirical formula is 58, so the real compound has a double MW than the starting formula. "A" formula, so, is C6H12O2.
b) Considering that "A" compound reacts in base, I strongly suggest an esther group as the only functional group, given the formula.
c) Given the other informations, I can assess the following structures:
A: 2,2-dimethylethanoil acetate.
B: Acetic acid.
C: t-butyl alcohol.
d) C cannot be oxidized because he has no idrogens in the carbon atom near the hydroxyl group.
e.1) C2H4O2 + Na  :rarrow: C2H3O2Na + 1/2 H2.
e.2) C4H10O + Na  :rarrow: C4H9ONa + 1/2 H2.
How to Catch a Lion in the Sahara Desert:

The Quantum Measurement Method: We assume that the sex of the lion is _ab initio_ indeterminate. The wave function for the lion is hence a superposition of the gender eigenstate for a lion and that for a lioness. We lay these eigenstates out flat on the ground and orthogonal to each other. Since the (male) lion has a distinctive mane, the measurement of sex can safely be made from a distance, using binoculars. The lion then collapses into one of the eigenstates, which is rolled up and placed inside the cage.

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