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Topic: Car moving at constant V in vertical loop  (Read 6026 times)

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Offline MrHappy0

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Car moving at constant V in vertical loop
« on: September 27, 2011, 09:15:37 PM »
In a loop-the-loop ride a car goes around a vertical, circular loop at a constant speed. The car has a mass m = 252 kg and moves with speed v = 14.64 m/s. The loop-the-loop has a radius of R = 9.1 m.

1)What is the magnitude of the normal force on the car when it is at the bottom of the circle? (But as the car is accelerating upward.)

W=m(g)=N. So 252kg(9.81)=2472.12

Offline MrHappy0

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Re: Car moving at constant V in vertical loop
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2011, 10:12:04 PM »
Consider the first question solved. Now here is a harder one that is part of this problem:

5)What is the minimum speed of the car so that it stays in contact with the track at the top of the loop?

I am not sure how to set this one up but I see that I need to find what v=? to keep the car on the tracks using Fnet=-N-W=ma. I think.

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