Hi everyone. Today we made an experiment- Redox titration. The experiment went nice and smooth but I don’t know how to answer the question about concentration. Can anyone help me or give me a hint?
This is the experiment:
Preparation of a standard Ethanedioic Acid Solution
Calculate the mass of ethanedioic acid dehydrate required to make 100cm^3 of a 0.03M standard solution.Then weight out the required mass and make up the standard solution of the ethanedioic in a 100cm^3 volumetric flask.
Set up a burette and fill it with KMnO4 solution. Now transfer 10.0cm^3 of the standard ethanedioic solution into a 100cm^3 conical flask using a bulb pipette. Then, using a measuring cylinder, add 12.0 cm^3 of 2M sulphuric acid to the flask. Now gently heat this solution using a Bunsen burner.
After heating titrate this solution against KMnO4 in the burette until two concordant titres have been obtained. The end point of this titration is when a pink colour is obtained. Record the titres you obtained.
Calculate the concentration of the KMnO₄. I did titration 3 times and there are my results:
1st: 11.5ml
2nd: 11.7ml
3rd: 11.7ml
So the things I know:
Mass of ethanedioic acid dehydrate: H₂C₂O₄2H₂O = 124g
n = 0.1 x 0.03 = 0.003 x 124=0.372
This experiment is redox titration, so
Mn0₄⁻+8H⁺+5e⁻ → Mn2⁺ + 4H₂O /x2 reduction
(COOH) ₂ → 2CO₂ + 2e⁻ + 2H⁺ /x5 oxidation
2Mn0₄⁻+6H⁺+10e⁻+ 5(COOH) ₂ →2Mn2⁺ + 8H₂O + 10CO₂ + 10e⁻
But I do not know what to do next. Can anyone help me? I have never made redox titrarions so I have no idea how to calculate concentration of KMnO₄.