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Topic: Taking mixed partial derivative of Van der Waals equation?  (Read 5882 times)

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Offline dkssudgktpdy

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Taking mixed partial derivative of Van der Waals equation?
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:42:19 AM »
How do you find [∂/∂T(∂P/∂V)] holding T constant]holding V constant of the van der Waals Equation?
This is what I did:
P=(RT/(V-b)) -  (a/V^2)
  = (RT(V-b)^-1)  - aV^-2 

(∂P/∂V)] holding T constant = (RT(V-b)^-1) + 2a/V^3
[∂/∂T(∂P/∂V)] holding T constant]holding V constant = the same as above..

I am SO confused.
Detailed steps would help me understanding a lot!

Thank you :-)

Offline Aeon

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Re: Taking mixed partial derivative of Van der Waals equation?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 12:12:20 AM »
How do you find [∂/∂T(∂P/∂V)] holding T constant]holding V constant of the van der Waals Equation?

This is confusing. Here is a notation that should at least help you understand what you need to do:

Which means the partial derivative of function A(b,c) with b while keeping c constant.

A clear statement of your problem is the first step towards solving it.
Once you really know what to do, go to and see how it is done.

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