NaOH(s) + H2O(l) -> Na+ + OH- +H20(l)
Say I have 1.840g pellet of NaOH and 50ml of H2O, what is the molar enthalpy?
My measurements I took in lab,
temp of 50ml of H2O of 23C same for the NaOH pellets, and then when put together it was 32C.
So what is kj/mol of my experiment vs the real one?
Also could use some help on
NaOH(s)+HCl(l) both 50ml 1M HCl, and a 1.904 gram pellet, same idea as above though.
Instead of 23C for normal temp it's 22C, and it reaches 41c
Really appreciate if you help me in the next few hours, need to finish this, and I can't find any help anywhere.