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Topic: Kinetics Lab Help  (Read 2213 times)

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Kinetics Lab Help
« on: December 09, 2011, 06:32:49 PM »
Did a kinetics lab today (clock reaction).
S2O8^2- + 2I-  -> I2 + 2SO4^2-
2S2O3^-2 + I2 -> S4O6^2- + 2I-

I am supposed to find the rate expression.

Here are 2 lines of data...
[KI-]= 0.0667 M, [(NH4)2S2O8] = 0.0333 M, I found the rate of disappearance for Na2S2O3 to be 8.88x10^-6 M/sec

[KI-]=0.0333 M, [(NH4)2S2O8]= 0.0333 M, rate of disappearance is 6.99x10^-6 M/sec.

Right now, I'm trying to calculate order with respect to I-.
So I know the concentration of KI doubles. The rate of disappearance for Na2S2O3 changes by a factor of 1.27. Can I use Na2S2O3's rate? I got 0.34 for the order of I-. That doesn't make sense. How do I do this?

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