So, under constant volume heat is equal to change in energy 1. (delta E = qv)
And under constant pressure heat is equal to change in enthalpy 2. (delta H = qp)
And derived from definition of enthalpy (I found all these equations in Chang 8th ed.)
3. H = E + PV
4. delta H = delta E + delta (PV)
5. delta H - delta (PV) = delta E
6. (if constant pressure) delta H - PdeltaV = delta E
So. . .
Does that mean under constant volume. . .
delta H = delta E ?
But. . .
I think that using the definition of enthalpy,
7. (if constant volume) delta H - VdeltaP = delta E
so under constant volume (use equation 1) delta H - VdeltaP = q ?