Hello all,
I realise that this might not be most peoples expertise but I was not sure where else I could ask the question. I am writing a piece of work to give to BP with the possibility of my 4th year university fee's being paid for. The question they have given us is as follows:
“BP has a diverse portfolio of activities underpinning its global business. Based on your experiences to date, how would you help BP to enhance its leading reputation in the Energy sector?”
I think there problem is reliance on fossil fuel so I was going to write about how they could become world leaders in nuclear power. Now obviously there are many problems power so I thought the essay would be about strategies of addressing these. I was going to mention
1. The use of Thorium as an alternative fuel
2. The use of a nuclear fusion-fission hybrid hybrid to destroy the nuclear waste
http://www.utexas.edu/news/2009/01/27/nuclear_hybrid/Does anyone know of any recent frontiers in physics regarding this matter that I could talk about? I do a Chemistry degree so I only have limited knowledge within this area. Any help would be very appreciated.