Hi guys

um if this helps to determine my level, i'm in tenth grade in MYP system.
And this is about a lab assignment in which we have set up a factor to investigate how that factor affects the voltage produced in an electrochemical cell (a copper-zinc Daniell cell).
I chose my independent variable as
concentration of electrolytes (in Molecule).
I wrote this for my hypothesis:
As the concentration increases, the voltage will increase. Therefore, the correlation between the voltage produced and concentration of electrolytes would be positive, although not strong. This accounts for the estimation that more molecules in the electrolyte solution would produce more electrons, consuming ions from the oxidized electrode’s electrolyte and plating the reduced ions from the reduced electrode’s electrolyte onto the other electrode.
I'm not confident about what I wrote. Is the reason mainly on conductivity or something? I'll admit the hypothesis sounds kinda unclear.
Also I carried out the experiment today, using different electrolytes of the same concentration each time (e.g. 0.25M, 0.5M, 1M), but the voltage didn't vary as much, not fitting my hypothesis. And I've no idea...

Please, wise scientists or anybody else who could clarify this for me.. I'll be grateful for your help.