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Topic: Molecular nutrition - Anyone? Any good books?  (Read 2004 times)

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Molecular nutrition - Anyone? Any good books?
« on: March 23, 2014, 09:18:47 AM »
Hi, I'm very interested in understanding how molecules in nutrition play a role in sustaining the human body  so I'm looking for some good chemistry/molecular nutrition book describing some of the following: 

*The chemical and metabolic pathways taking place in the body (such as glykolysis, eye pigment synthesis, bone formation etc.)
*What role vitamins and minerals play in the body.
*Human physicology/biochemistry which is required to get a good picture of some important chemical processees taking place in the body.
* A book desribing the physiology of human diesease how it impairs the body to function properly.

I'd love for the book to include a good amount of figures, and of course to be scientific - not stating unproven theories as facts but as a suggestion.

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