Hi long-time lurker in need of help:
Basically I did a series of coupling reactions in the lab each with slightly different conditions and want to be able to compare how much product I made in each case.
As I was working on a small scale, instead of trying to isolate product, my supervisor told me to just use the GC to see if there was any present. There was and now I want to be able to compare how much product I made in each case. I don't need to know the exact amounts, just have an idea of percentage yields so that I can say which reaction was better. I know I shouldn't just compare the peak areas directly (or should I?) so how do I do this?

Each spectra have 5 peaks: 1 right at the start for the reaction solvent, 1 for the product, peaks for starting materials A and B and 1 peak for the catalyst.
The easiest way (I think) would to have just done a calibration curve however supervisor said this wasn't necessary so I ran a spectra of a mixture of known concentration of starting material A and the product. However as I didn't put an internal standard in my mixtures before analysis, I'm unsure of how to use that.
So how and can I compare how much product was made in each case?
Any help much appreciate