Hi all!
I'm a bit stuck on doing an energy balance for an unsteady state. Haven't been taught it and its cropped up in a past exam paper for engineering thermodynamics!
So I've got 4 streams (data seen below) going into a tank that's filling at 0.5m/h (Tank D=2m and H=2m).
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s1: T=90°c , m=1 Kg/s
s2: T=50°c , m=2 Kg/s
s3: T=30°c , m=? Kg/s
s4: T=?°c , m=6 Kg/s
I had to find the mass flow rate of stream 3 based on the above and have found it to be 3.436 Kg/s (Hope that's correct
Next question is find the outlet temperature... I know you have to use an energy balance as in part one the same tank was steady state. But now its unsteady it's apparently:
Eacc = Ein - Eout
What is Eacc and how do i use it!
Hope I've been clear, first time posting!