Whats everyone doing for new years day? I plan on spending some time with the missis, myself, my gurrl, ad friemds will probably get together for a pissup, and a good old smoke of the cured femaile flowers and resin of a certain plant in the Hop family, although I don't drink much at all, I'l catch a good old buzz off the EtOH, then later, when all have gone, hopefully the neon-nod for me, I.E a coombination of a rather special ergot alkaloid-secondary alkylamine compound, or a few select species of fungi, mixed with a nice fat shot of 3,6-diaetylmorphine right into the my hungry young veines.
I will be somewhat dissapointed if I can't get the second part to my combination, in that case, morphine sulfate via I.V and dihydrocodeine rectally, along with a great deal of the aforementioned green plant buds, promethazine, and nitrazepam (I am happy, as my doc scripted me my very most favourite benzodizepine, with either H or DHC/morph though, the plant matter and nitrazepam will bee included regardless. hopefully I might get some nitrous oxide to go with everything, if not, then I will have no choice, but to raid my lab supplies for diethyl ether

'Tis a tough job, partying so hard, but some poor git has to do it
So yup, new years, I shall bee partying hard, inhaling the smoke of lots of pyrolysed psychotropic plant matter, amd taking my mu, GABA-b, 5HT2a and CB1-CB2 receptors for a long, long forced march

Anyone else getting munted? or the rest of us lot here not partying quite so intensively?
Happy NY, everyone, I can't wait for my parent's presents to me to arrive, Shulgin's PIHKAL and TIHKAL in hardback copies, should provide some inspiration for me to get off my ass and "do somethin productive" as my parents are so fond of telling me, hehe.
My apologies if my typing is shyte, it has been all day, as I have been nodding for the past 4, tonight, I am going on an opiate break for a week or two to prevent tolerance or addiction occuring (yes I legally am prescribed most of the painkillers I have, and all the benzos), so tonight, one last, very intense nod, as I have taken 0.5 grams of erythromycin and lots of grapefruit juice to inhibit cytochrome P450 CYP3A4, responsible for hepatic breakdown of most opiates AND the benzos to inactive metabolites, thus extenting and intensifying the high, along with the anticholinergic, and potent phenothiazine antihistamine/sedative promethazine, for yet more potentiation.
Happy new years to all, and for those who are getting monumentally smashed, be safe, and have a fantastic time.
Peace, tune in, turn on, and drop out

Limpet (nodding, benzo'd and maniacally grinning mad scientist)|