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Topic: New years plans everyone  (Read 8007 times)

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Offline limpet chicken

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New years plans everyone
« on: December 28, 2005, 11:03:12 PM »
Whats everyone doing for new years day? I plan on spending some time with the missis, myself, my gurrl, ad friemds will probably get together for a pissup, and a good old smoke of the cured femaile flowers and resin of a certain plant in the Hop family, although I don't drink much at all, I'l catch a good old buzz off the EtOH, then later, when all have gone, hopefully the neon-nod for me, I.E a coombination of a rather special ergot alkaloid-secondary alkylamine compound, or a few select species of fungi, mixed with a nice fat shot of 3,6-diaetylmorphine right into the my hungry young veines.

I will be somewhat dissapointed if I can't get the second part to my combination, in that case, morphine sulfate via I.V and dihydrocodeine rectally, along with a great deal of the aforementioned green plant buds, promethazine, and nitrazepam (I am happy, as my doc scripted me my very most favourite benzodizepine, with either H or DHC/morph though, the plant matter and nitrazepam will bee included regardless. hopefully I might get some nitrous oxide to go with everything, if not, then I will have no choice, but to raid my lab supplies for diethyl ether ;D

'Tis a tough job, partying so hard, but some poor git has to do it ;)  

So yup, new years, I shall bee partying hard, inhaling the smoke of  lots of pyrolysed psychotropic plant matter, amd taking my mu, GABA-b, 5HT2a and CB1-CB2 receptors for a long, long forced march :)

Anyone else getting munted? or the rest of us lot here not partying quite so intensively?
Happy NY, everyone, I can't wait for my parent's presents to me to arrive, Shulgin's PIHKAL and TIHKAL in hardback copies, should provide some inspiration for me to get off my ass and "do somethin productive" as my parents are so fond of telling me, hehe.

My apologies if my typing is shyte, it has been all day, as I have been nodding for the past 4, tonight, I am going on an opiate break for a week or two to prevent tolerance or addiction occuring (yes I legally am prescribed most of the painkillers I have, and all the benzos), so tonight, one last, very intense nod, as I have taken 0.5 grams of erythromycin and lots of grapefruit juice to inhibit cytochrome P450 CYP3A4, responsible for hepatic breakdown of most opiates AND the benzos to inactive metabolites, thus extenting and intensifying the high, along with the anticholinergic, and potent phenothiazine antihistamine/sedative promethazine, for yet more potentiation.

Happy new years to all, and for those who are getting monumentally smashed, be safe, and have a fantastic time.

Peace, tune in, turn on, and drop out ;D
Limpet (nodding, benzo'd and maniacally grinning mad scientist)|
The light blinds
So behold darkness as our new light
In our darkness we can see
So with others blindness
We take flight.

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Re:New years plans everyone
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2005, 11:11:38 PM »
My plans are still kind of up in the air.  I know that on New Year's Eve Eve (This Friday) I'm going to a gathering at one of my boss' place out in Central Connecticut.  He's got a nice, old, built in the 1800's house and is planning to cook out on his hearth a bunch of smoked meats and various other 'goodies' that would have been common when the house was first built.  He also brews his own beer and has just completed his first few kegs so there will be homemade porter and stout on tap for us.  I will be bringing along a bottle of Single Barrel Malt Whiskey and some of the Cuban Cigars I purchased on my trip to the Gulf Coast.  Later on, after the food has cooked, there will be plans on playing some good ol' *Ignore me, I am dishonest* out in the barn where the beer is brewed while smoking the cigars, drinking the beer/whisky/bourbon, and playing under old gas lanterns just like in the 1800's.  Should actually be a pretty neat experience.

As for New Years' eve itself, my plans aren't really set.  I may go over to a co-worker's get together and partake in some 'greenery', but I'm not 100% sure if it will happen.  (I'd love it if it did, but I also need to make sure that I don't get too crazy with it).

Now limpet, I'm not pleased to read IV injection of "3,6-diaetylmorphine" in your list of things to do.  (BTW, you forgot the c in acetyl).  That's just viciously nasty stuff.  I have a member of my family who had become hooked on the stuff and it just ruined her.  Just be careful with it.  That compound is the bane of humanity.
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Re:New years plans everyone
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2005, 11:52:38 PM »
Me and my friend might go party crashing. We're hoping to go from party to party for most of the night/morning. I'm not much of a drinker and she isn't either (alcoholism runs in her family). Though other than that it's whatever happens happens. Hopefully we can get some fireworks (particularly the illegals). If things don't work out like I plan them to then it'll just be a somewhat boring New Year's Eve/Day.
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Re:New years plans everyone
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2005, 08:29:04 AM »
I forsee beer drinking and music I should say.

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Re:New years plans everyone
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2005, 12:24:48 PM »
Well, I think dinner with friends and a little bit of clubbing to be a good plan.

Happy new year guys...and do not drive if you see more than two steering wheels when you jump in your car tonight! Two just means you squint. ;)
« Last Edit: December 31, 2005, 12:29:44 PM by Albert »

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Re:New years plans everyone
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2005, 12:42:12 PM »
I'm also going out with some old friends and my brother for dinner tonight, after that we'll go on my grandpa's boat and wait for midnight on the sea. :)

Happy new year guys...and do not drive if you see more than two steering wheels when you jump in your car tonight!.
:D ;D ;)


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Re:New years plans everyone
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2006, 12:32:20 AM »
It's hard to say...  I suppose I imagine it won't go so different from last year.  Oh well... I can't imagine what my near years resolutions will be, though....
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Re:New years plans everyone
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2006, 05:45:59 PM »

It was fun clubbing in London. I think it is way better than going over to Westminster or Trafalgar Square or London's Eye just to catch fireworks. Haha..

After clubbing, my friends and I lit our own fireworks. Woo~~~~~~
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