I recently made this switch from post-doc to industry so I will attempt to give some reasoning regarding how I acquired my position. My PhD and post-doc focused on organic chemistry, with my research emphasizing polymer materials and electrochemistry. However, my current position is an organic synthetic and formulation chemist. My research now and what I did before have virtually nothing in common. My employer was looking for someone to bring fresh ideas and youth to the group, someone who could make a good presentation and be able to explain technical issues in laymans terms, and I also got points for being from the same town where my employer is located (so I am less of a threat to move later on). They assumed that since I had succeeded at my post-doc (as far as # of publications), that I would be able to transfer that success to their business. I think it was honestly a lot of luck. Right situation at the right time. Unfortunately, there are thousands of PhD chemists looking for industry positions right now, and takes either a CV that will blow them away, or a little bit of luck, or some of both. It sounds like you are on the right track for sure, but the math is not in favor of the job-seekers right now.