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Topic: Where can i buy these things for as cheap as possible?  (Read 4224 times)

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Offline Cirby

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Where can i buy these things for as cheap as possible?
« on: August 21, 2012, 08:48:27 PM »
Heres the list:
acetic acid
butyric acid
benzyl acetate
benzyl alcohol
oil of jasmine
acetic ether..

theres plenty more but is there just one specific store or site I can go to?

Offline Cirby

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Re: Where can i buy these things for as cheap as possible?
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2012, 07:39:09 PM »
can anyone just give me a link? anything would be appreciated....

Offline fledarmus

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Re: Where can i buy these things for as cheap as possible?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2012, 07:41:55 AM »
It depends a lot on what sort of operation you are running. If it is a business remotely related to chemistry, then you can work with the typical chemistry supply houses - Sigma-Aldrich, Alfa, and so forth. I use SciFinder which has a link to commercial suppliers for each compound, but that is expensive and if you're not doing synthetic research probably isn't worth it to you. I've also found helpful, with the great advantage that is free. I know there are other free sites for looking up chemical suppliers as well.

If you are not running a business related to chemistry, the chemistry suppliers won't deal with you and your options are severely limited. Unless these chemicals are part of a specific craft, you may have to source each on separately, and possibly isolate them yourself from source materials. This list looks like it could be related to soap or perfume making, so looking for craft suppliers in those areas might be one place to start. Hobby brewing, baking, or preserving also might have some of them. If any of those sound appropriate, I might be able to direct you to some large suppliers in those areas.

Offline Cirby

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Re: Where can i buy these things for as cheap as possible?
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2012, 12:20:28 AM »
Appreciate the *delete me*

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