I have the spectra for a practice problem and have posted them below along with my explanation of how I worked through the problem. I would appreciate any feedback or tips and tricks anyone feels like providing.
MS & IR spectra:


So the molecular ion is labeled for me at 99. This is odd, so the compound has an odd number of nitrogen. Looking at the IR spectra I see what I believe to be two weak absorptions that indicate an N-H bond(s) at ~3300-3400 cm
-1. I also believe that the strong absorption at ~1700 is an indication that we have a C=O double bond present. Moving on to the CNMR spectra I can see that we must have at least 5 carbons. The carbon at 17.7 ppm is a triplet and therefore is a CH
2. Then the 29.34 ppm carbon is a quartet thus it is CH
3. 30.7 carbon is a triplet so it's CH
2. Same for the carbon at 49.4, another triplet, CH
2. Finally the carbon at 174.7 is a singlet. Since carbon never bonds with another carbon and calls it a day, is it safe to assume this is my C=O double bond? It has to be bonded to something, and that is waaay up at 174.7 ppm, hence that makes me think it is my C=O. So now all told we have account for:
2, CH
2, CH
2, CH
3, C=O, and 1 N-H. Adding that up, we have 100. That is not the weight of my molecular ion, it is the my M+1. I have gone over my budget and am a bit confused. Should I not include the N-H, meaning the N is attached to one of my already accounted for H atoms? Taking away one H would put he at 99.
The integrations for my hydrogen atoms are 1, 1, 1.5 and 1. We can't have 1.5 hydrogen, and looking at what I have so far I would say the actual number of hydrogen atoms is a multiple of 2. 2+2+3+2=9. So we have the formula C
Calculating my degrees of unsaturation (C-(H/2)-(X/2)+(N/2)+1) = (5-(9/2)-(0/2)+(1/2)+1) = 2. So I could have 2 double bonds, or 2 rings, 1 ring and 1 double bond, or 1 triple bond.
Trying to put the compound together proved to difficult for me and I had to give up. I looked at the answer and it turns out it was
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MethylpyrrolidoneOther then getting stumped at the end and not being able to put all the pieces together, if anyone has any input to add, any oversights I have made or noticed any faulty logic I followed, I would greatly appreciate the input. I am going to do be doing these all night, I have 3-4 more to do. I would love any tips on telltale IR absorptions I missed. I can see that most of what I didn't bother with on the IR spectra was in the fingerprint region, something I know little about and don't feel comfortable messing around with.
EDIT: After looking at the structure of
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone I think I may have messed up. Is there no N-H bond in that compound? I figured there was...