will titanium work as well
i have found palladium sponge for about $99 US per gram (in the stock exchange is just half of the price of gold !!!) and for this to be effective it has to be atleast 99.99% pure and it has to be palladium sponge, which makes it a tid bit more expensive. According to the 900 times its volume storage capacity would be around 900cm
3 of hydrogen storage capacity per gram.
i have also been researching graphite plates, according to some of the sources that i have visited you can actually use that as a means to store hydrogen, and in much larger quantities too. there is only one problem in order to get the hydrogen out you need about 327
oC while in the palladium metal hydride you could get the hydrogen at a temperature that is around room temperature and at a good pressure too. in my group we are planning to get a nano fuel cell capable of powering a one passenger car. and we allready have a built fuel cell model, which we plan on using in a competition but they require you to find a method to store the hydrogen.
i am planning to get the hydrogen from the process of electrolisys powered perhapd by a solar panel that may or may not be placed on the car, depending on the situation.
perhaps if i could get a system that will focus the heat from the sun in a single point, such as a magnifying glass, which when i looked at the temperature when the sun is focused to be around 135
o in a matter of seconds before i put it away, i may be able to use the graphite method. perhaps if it is possible a parabolic system, which i may have access to but do not know the range in temperature that it gets.
oh well thanks for your help, as it turns out i might not even use palladium anymore, though i have to inverstigate more.