hello,,i need help regarding on building new solvent system for thin layer chromatography of my extract..i'm doing anticancer study, using quercus infectoria (QI) extract.i'm using quercus infectoria ethyl acetate extract, where this extract was obtained through the gradient extraction. for the extraction procedure, firstly i soaked the quercus powder in n-hexane for 5 days, then i filtered and I use the residue and soaked in ethyl acetate for another 5 days, then i filtered again and by using the same residue i soaked it in the methanol..after the extraction i used the methanol, ehyl acetate and methanol extract for anticancer study. from the screening i found that the ethyl acetate extract was the most potent.now, i have to do the bioassay guided fractionation to get the pure compound. i did the tlc for my extract, but i just cant get the right solvent system, because my tlc was tailed and no band appear..can u help me?