Which subforum would computational chemistry fall under? I'm just starting to learn about it, and it sounds really interesting.
Some short answers:
1) The development of computational chemistry belongs to physical chemistry, because this is the fundamental branch of chemistry. That is the branch that develops the fundamentals where the others branches of chemistry are built.
2) However the application of computational chemistry to solve specific problems belongs to specific branch: organic, chemical engineering, etc. That is, a organic chemist can use computational chemistry to help to desing/optimize a syntesis.
3) it has been cited the GAUSSIAN. An example of 1) is a physical chemist as Pople (Nobel Prize for chemistry 1998 for computational chemistry) developing the mathematical algoritms and programing the GAUSSIAN. An example of 2) can be an organic chemistry who is in her/his laboratory doing a computation for understanding the most stable form of certain isomer that he is interested in.
4) the identities math = physical chemistry no-math = rest chemistry are incorrect. math = mathematical chemistry. Physical chemistry studies the physical basis of chemistry. The rest of chemistry applies that basis to SPECIFIC problems. There are organic or inorganic chemists who deal with a lot of math. For example an organic chemist studying the RMN spectra of a complex protein use advanced mathematical techniques.
5) Chemistry is not only the study of molecules. Therefore, computational chemistry also deal with atoms, single electrons, surfaces, liquids, solids, etc.
6) By 5) Computational chemistry is not only the solving the Schrödinger equation. The Schrödinguer equation alone is usually devoted to studies on gas phase. The Schrödinger equation is the most simple and very popular but does not work in many COMPLEX situations. For instance, In electron transfer studies in biomembranes the popular equation is the Lindblad one. In RMN in condensed phases chemists work with the Redfield equation, physicists working in laser or solid state use other equations, etc.
7) In condensed phases, moreover, computational chemistry uses other branches of theory. For example in chemical dynamics one uses Schrödinger for studying PES, molecular structures, frecuencies of vibration, etc. but, and the WIKI forgets this, after one uses statistical mechanics and theory of reaction in final computations. For example, one computes partition functions using averages for different molecular configurations and obtains the final kinetic constant from SM theoretical average procedures.
8 ) A basis is not a program not a method. A basis is simply a collection of mathematical functions. Initially, the first computational programs obtained the wavefunction by direct numerical solving of the Schrödinger equation and display results like an interminable list of data. One obtained a numerical representation of the wave function and then one would interpolate between data, adjust them for obtaining an analitic (e.g. sin(x)) expression, etc.
Currently the wavefunction is expanded using vector theory into a basis of the vectorial space (remember math courses) {f_1, f_2, ... f_n}
psi = a_1 f_1 + a_2 f_2 + ... a_n f_n
and the GAUSSIAN obtains the values a_1, a_2, ... a_n for the user-choosed BASIS.
In general better BASIS => accurate result and more computational time.
In the command GAUSSIAN #HF/6-311G(3df,3pd)
GAUSSIAN is the program, HF is the computational method, and 6-311G(3df,3pd) the basis used.
9) DFT (density funtional theory) does not directly work with the Schrödinger equation such as WFT (wave funtion theory) does. Instead, DFT obtains the electronic density. In short, DFT is computationally more tractable -and popular- because works with less information that WFT (as all of us know the wavefunction contains unobservable information).
10) Other programs (e.g. GAMESS) work in a similar way to GAUSSIAN.
11) It is not true that the "first calculation that GAUSSIAN does is what is known as a geometry optimization." In fact one can do a point-like computation WITHOUT optimization or apply a "scan" command. This is is done in computation of PES in chemical dynamics. Moreover in optimization the energy is minimized only for stable molecules, for transition states the Gaussian energy is not minimized: the TS is not a minimum of the PES.