Me and my friend are constructing a basic home lab for the education of our friends and ourselves and to create useful solutions to household problems we come across (hopefully even to the tune of reduced costs and easy availiability
). We have meager funds, but that is like half the point. we want to construct something that is totally legal and that any joe or jane could use to become more aquainted with chemistry and learn to use it for their own good. we have ordered some basic glassware that is on its way, and have some aluminum vessels to make clandestine hardware out of. we have a small arrangement of home chemicals cheaply, legally and easily avaliable to nearly everyone. i just wanted to know if anyone else out there is interested in this concept or could add to our ideas and procedures. we stress safety and legality so please keep it in that realm, although we don't mind dabbling in legal theory or anything like that. thanks in advance. i will include addition info on our operation as requested.