In the lab we were provided with an inorganic compound labelled S. The following tests were carried out and the following results obtained :
To a little aqueous solution of S about 4cm3 of aqueous NaOH were added and boiled. A greyish grenn precipitate is formed which i concluded is probably Cr(OH)3
With dilute sulfuric acid followed by 3 drops of potassium manganate(VII) the purple solution rapidly turns colourless suggesting a reducing agent is present.
Now where I do not know how to interpret any longer
A white precipitate was obtained when a little aqueous S was added to dilute HCl and aqueous Barium chloride
Also a caramel precipitate was obtained after 20 drops of concentrated nitric acid followed by excess aqueous NaOh were added.
The most confusing test is the one of S with aquoeous ammonia. It gave a blue ppt . I would have reasoned out that the precipitate is Cu(OH02 but at the end of the session our lab eacher told us that S was a chromium transition metal!
Could any one help?