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Topic: Reonance Stabilization Energies  (Read 1340 times)

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Offline elemnts12

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Reonance Stabilization Energies
« on: February 17, 2013, 11:47:14 PM »
So I am given the following 2 problems

Use to help find appropriate values.

1. Compute the resonance stabilization energies for the conjugated molecule, vinyl methyl ketone by comparing it against an appropriate non-conjugated model. How does resonance with a carbonyl compare to that with a double bond?

2. Compute the resonance stabilization energies for the conjugated molecule, accrylonitrile by comparing it against an appropriate non-conjugated model. How does resonance with a carbonyl compare to that with a nitrile?

Use heats of hydrogenation from the webbook.

I am not sure at all how to begin these two problems. I tried to look for a non-conjugated molecule to compare heats of hydrogenations with, but I was not successful. Any help?

Offline elemnts12

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Re: Reonance Stabilization Energies
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 12:16:32 AM »
This is my attempt at number 1. So I set up the energy diagram and want to compare the effect of hydrogenating the vinyl methyl ketone to just the 2-butanone. But I don't know of a comparative non-conjugated compound that would reduce to 2-butanon and also address the question on what effect the double bond has vs. the carbonyl.

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