After learning about meso compounds and mirror images and internal planes of symmetry, I'm completely confused! I just had a few questions:
For instance, given tartaric acid, why is 2R, 3S tartaric acid the same as 2S, 3R tartaric acid? I get that they're mirror images of each other, but I don't see how they're superposable? I think that's probably my main issue--being able to see how two images are superposable. Is there a formula that makes this easier
Also, if something has an internal plane of symmetry, does it necessarily mean that it will be superposable onto its mirror image? How about vice versa? (In other words, can these two effects occur independently of each other, or do they always occur together?)
One final unrelated question: for induction, is the effect only relegated to the adjacent atom, or can the effect extend beyond directly neighboring atoms (e.g., 2 atoms over, etc.)?
Thank you all so much