Your instructor could have just given you the MW's of the two starting products, however a mass spectrum was supplied for each. My guess is that an interpretation of each spectrum is expected, so that you deduce from the spectra the location of each substituent.
For instance, why not CH3CH2COC6H5 rather than CH3COC6H4CH3 from the MS ??
If you are interested in a career in chemistry then learning MS interpretation (rather than just knocking off another homework question as quickly as possible) is something you should pursue.
A hardball instructor will declare your answers correct, but may only give half-marks because you have really only performed simple arithmetic on the MS data.
I prefer the following statement of the N rule,
"If the MW is even, then the molecule contains an even number of N atoms (0, 2, 4,... etc), AND the converse is true.
If the MW is odd, then the molecule contains an odd number of N atoms (1, 3, 5,. etc), AND the converse is true."
Good Luck !!!